Our Vision
To be an effective voice for advancing public policy in the transportation sector to drive the safe, environmentally sustainable, efficient and economical movement of members’ products and to enhance growth in the Canadian economy.
Our Mission
To represent, advance and influence views on transportation policy for western Canadian-based members that move mainly resource products through the supply chain to domestic and international customers.
Our Mandate
- Identify and respond to relevant and collective concerns, opportunities and immediate requirements of our membership.
- Be a common voice on behalf of WCSC. Speak as one and develop relationships with government, key stakeholders and major influencers.
- Engage on legislative, regulatory and policy matters to protect the existing rights that shippers have under the current regulatory environment and to expand legislation that will promote access to a competitive, efficient transportation system.
- Active involvement with supply chain issues and trade corridor initiatives as determined a priority within WCSC (rail, port/terminals and trucking).
- Provide an opportunity for networking and dialogue among WCSC members on multi-industry level topics.
- Collaborate with other groups and associations to advance the mandate of WCSC and present an effective, unified voice for commodity shippers.